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Creating lasting

Embedded in areas of conflict, trafficking, and persecution around the world, we apply innovative, scalable solutions to protect and empower children. Highly sensitive and full of risk, our work relies on peaceful strategies to end the cycles of violence.

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With decades of work in Southeast Asia rescuing child soldiers and building relationships with perpetrators of injustice, Marcus J. Young has insights and proven strategies for working through conflict.

Updates from Marcus

  • Today’s Mandate Requires Tomorrow’s Generation

    Today’s Mandate Requires Tomorrow’s Generation

    We begin with the story of Elijah. You probably heard this story before.  Elijah tracks down King Ahab, who is mad at him for the three-year drought. He tells him to gather Israel, the 450 prophets of Baal, and the 400 prophets of the Goddess Astra.  They gather, and Elijah proposes a deal. He essentially…


  • God Builds through Generations

    God Builds through Generations

    Did you know there is a specific reason why God chose Abraham? It has to do with generational continuity and God’s prophetic words. Through this choice, God imprints something deep from the heavenly realm into our natural world. In this four-part series, we will take a look at why God chooses to use generations to…


  • Are good fathers an important core of a healthy society?

    Are good fathers an important core of a healthy society?

    INfire has a strong focus on fathers and mothers. Not as parents per se, but people who characteristically have a heart of a father or mother. We work in areas that are often destabilized by armed conflicts. Fundamentally, violence is married to a love of power. How do we counter that? A father would willingly…