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    2011 – Turning Tragedies Into Triumphs

    It’s been an amazing year at Project: AK-47!So many precious lives have been changed, and none of this would have been possible without your help. Since this is 2011’s last blog, I thought it would be great to recap a few of the stories that we, as a community, have helped turn from tragedies into triumphs.

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    It’s Christmas Time For Everyone…Even Former Child Soldiers [AUDIO PODCAST]

    It's Christmas time again! Listen as our founder, Marcus Young, gives us an inside peek at what Christmas looks like for former child soldiers at various Project: AK-47 orphanages around the world.

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    Help Rescue Child Soldiers By Simply Voting Online!

    An organization we know personally - Divine Inheritance - has been selected for a competition that could channel much needed funds into our projects in Mexico. We're calling on our community to rally around their efforts, since we want them to win the $50,000 grant! Take 3 minutes of your time and help us rescue child soldiers by simply voting online!