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How A Motorbike Ride Saved Oscar’s Life

“For me, loving your enemies (LYE) is one of the most difficult parts of the Bible,” begins Oscar. “There was a relative of my wife who sold a parcel of his land to buy a gun to kill me.”  

But that didn’t scare Oscar. Instead, he practised the LYE principle even harder.

“Every time I would see him on the road with his gun waiting for me, I would calmly offer him a ride on my motorbike,” he narrates. “I would tell him, ‘I know you intend to kill me, but just ride and kill me later.’” 

Every time he did this, his response was always to tell Oscar, “You are indeed crazy! You know I intend to kill you, but you always offer me a ride.” 

It’s powerful reminder 

Oscar’s story reminds us of the radical power of loving your enemies. This is a concept that completely flips the script. It challenges us to rethink our relationships and embrace a divine perspective. 

An enemy shows up in many forms—a manipulative boss, toxic friend, abusive family member…but Jesus commands us in Matthew 5:43-44:

“Love our enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who abuse you.”

Loving your enemy is not about giving people a playbook or condoning harmful behavior. It’s about helping people understand and experience the very heart of God. It’s about extending grace, empathy, and forgiveness to those who have hurt us, even when it feels impossible.  

This path is undoubtedly challenging, requiring us to confront our own pain and anger.  

But amidst all this, let’s remember that Jesus, the ultimate example of love, laid down his life for both friends and foes. 

His sacrifice inspires us to follow in his footsteps, recognizing that by loving our enemies, we not only transform ourselves but also contribute to a more compassionate and just world. 

Jesus laid down his life for his friends and his enemies, and so will I.

Love Your Enemy is a global movement embraced by national militaries and church planters.  

Love Your Enemy equips you with the redemptive power to impact your world.

Learn more about this movement.