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An Opportunity

A sense of justice isn’t a fad. It isn’t a temporary emotion. It starts deep in our personal values, way down in our guts. It pierces the way we live our lives. 

You all know Project AK-47 accomplishes difficult and cutting-edge work in some of the most remote, cartel-run regions of Myanmar (Burma), Mindanao (Philippines) and Mexico. That important work continues into today, thanks to you!

This month, I feel that it’s important for us to show you to an opportunity that is now directly in front of us. We’ve worked for this for many years, and now…

We’ve established key friendships within one of the Muslim splinter groups in Mindanao. Because of this, local leaders are working with us to offer school scholarships to children, mostly boys, that are currently training in their militia.

We took 40 kids into this program last year. Time is short because of all that is left to do (negotiate arrangements to get them into school on time, prepare all the official materials and work out the kinks with the militia, as well as with relatives or parents…it’s complex).

My question to you is this:

Do you know anyone in your network of friends who would consider helping change a child’s life and “home grow” a peacemaker in a conflict region?

Or maybe you have a church, school or local venue that would like one of our team to come share more?

I would hate for us to miss this window of opportunity to step in and disarm a heart of violence in these children before it spills into great sorrow.

For only $28 a month you can give a child an “education scholarship”. It gets them into this program. $75 a month covers the entire monthly costs of our mission to impact one child’s life and remove them from the cycle of violence.

Working in areas like this is not easy, nor is it cheap, but our team does its very best to steward your funds well.

Our community of supporters is full of strong men and women. You all know you have the power to empower these children as agents of hope. You all know these children change their communities.

Let’s recruit others just like us. Look for those with that special sense of justice. The clock is ticking.

Kind regards,

Marcus and the Project AK-47 Team

(A throwback: Click here to read about how a young school teacher is changing her students’ lives in the Philippines.)