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What If We Can Change Their Future? (A Special New Video)


Isn’t that an interesting question? It questions reality and asks someone to think about what COULD be, instead of what is. 

“What if?” is a phrase full of power. It can force open the imagination and drive the downtrodden to fight against their oppressors. Great leaders ask “What if?”when inspiration is needed. Innovators ask “What if?” when the status quo isn’t good enough. And we, at Project AK-47, have asked “What if?” for many years, questioning the reality of the kids who live as child soldiers all over our world and refusing to believe that this reality is permanent. 

Our friend David Perry and his team at Bella Veritas helped us with this groundbreaking new video about our mission here at Project AK-47. It shows what can happen when you ask “What if?” – both the good and the bad. 

YouTube video

So many children around the world have uncertain futures. They are filled with hopes and dreams but their reality may turn into a nightmare. Child soldiering is a reality no child should ever have to fear or experience. 

We exist to protect children and provide them with different opportunities. Schooling leads to jobs – this makes education the best way to negate the hold the local militias have over these communities. We also directly negotiate with the local militias to release children into our care. 

By not only rescuing children, but keeping children from ever entering trafficking situations, we begin to break the cycles of violence that have existed for so many generations. 

Please donate here AND share this video with your friends. People united can move mountains – and this is a particularly large mountain to move!

“NO CAUSE IS LOST IF THERE IS BUT ONE FOOL LEFT TO FIGHT FOR IT.” – Thank you for fighting alongside us!