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“Forget me not…”

Forget me not

Forget me not

I am sorry to say that Valentine’s Day (as it currently exists) is not my favorite holiday.  I mean, nothing against flowers, candlelight and chocolates, but I’d rather rebel against prefab romance and artificial love and be original in the way I show what’s in my heart.

I used to love those chalky little sugar heart candies that had messages like “Be Mine” and “So Fine,” but now they just give me a headache. BUT, one profound message still haunts me: “Forget me not.” Why would you have to tell someone you love not to forget you?  Doesn’t that go without saying?  Unfortunately, it doesn’t.  We forget.  Especially when the one sending us the “Forget me not” lives on the other side of the planet.

So, this St. Valentine’s Day, be original. Obey the age-old wisdom of the heart candies and don’t forget about those who will otherwise be forgotten.  I can’t think of anything better to write on a Valentine than “I helped rescue a child out of armed conflict/sexual slavery because you have that effect on me” (or something like that in your own words).

Donate in the name of someone you love at Project: AK-47 to help care for former child soldiers or send some love to children rescued from sexual slavery through our friends at Love146.  They have some great Valentine’s Day ecards that support their work!


Jeremy and the Project: AK-47 team