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Politics, Violence, and Injustice in the Philippines

For decades, regions of Mindanao, Philippines, have suffered through dozens of failed peace treaties and continual unrest. The poor tactics of the Philippine government, coupled with the propensity for division among the ethnic people groups, have created ample opportunities for the radicalized rebels to destabilize the peace process. 

Negotiations were put on hold once again after 43 Philippine police officers and hundreds of locals were killed in a shootout near some of our children’s projects. Two rebel groups are thought to have been involved in the attack; one of which signed a peace treaty with the government last year (via CNN). In a separate incident, the father of a little girl in one of our learning centers was robbed and killed on his way to work. 

Stories like these are always heartbreaking and are a constant reminder about the violent reality our kids face. We choose to invest in regions like Mindanao not because the work is easy – but because the need is so great. We are working to reach more children every day with our schools and children’s homes. It is truly our privilege to watch them grow into confident, successful adults that will help break the generational cycles of violence and reshape their home towards peace. 

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Our learning centers are very close to our hearts and each time the safety of our kids is threatened, it affects us all deeply. Though we hope to never experience a situation like this again, we know that it won’t be the last time. 

Thank you for your support! Please help spread the word about this injustice as our team in the region seeks guidance and understanding through this tragedy.