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Love Your Enemy

Lead through example

Using positive prayer, action-filled love, and spiritual blessing — the same strategies we employ with rebel commanders, human traffickers, and cartel bosses — you can become the leader you need to be in your own community. From manipulative bosses to terrorists, Love Your Enemy trainings equip you with the unique, redemptive power of the church’s calling to make a difference.

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Love Your Enemy:

A 30-Day Guide to
Expressions of Faith

An enemy is, in simplest terms, an estranged son or daughter of our Father. We may not like them, they may be evil or unworthy, but God has declared enemies “good!” by the peace of his cross.

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    A Revival of Loving Your Enemies is Coming… and You Can Join

    I dream of a church that paints huge targets of love on her enemies. Could we be a church that has a reputation for aggressively loving, blessing, and praying for terrorists, democrats, republicans, evil bosses, colleagues, betrayers, etc.?

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    Praying Psalms for Enemies

    Only Jesus can hate an enemy yet greater still, ferociously love them through the laid down love of his cross. I can mature in this path but only within the grace of Jesus’ life. If I am to say anything against an enemy, I should invite God’s Spirit to search me and know my depths. This deep searching by the Spirit will prepare my heart to love an enemy beyond my hatred. Only from Jesus’ perspective can I see an enemy’s value in heaven more than I despise their potential for hell.

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    Who Is Your Enemy?

    Christians in this area sometimes face persecution, and missionaries and businessmen have been the target of many kidnappings and executions (including beheadings). The region has been fraught with raids and massacres by militant groups.

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Thoughts from Marcus

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