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Everyone, Meet Unlikely Heroes

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We at Project AK47 have made it our goal to join forces with and highlight other organizations that are making an impact globally.

So, Everyone, meet Unlikely Heroes(@UHeroes).

In America, there are over 100,000 sexually trafficked young women, yet there are fewer than 50 beds dedicated to their rescue and rehabilitation in the States. Unlikely Heroes is creating homes and rehab facilities to help these young women. They just kicked off as a non-profit in the fall of 2011. They already have a home with 10 girls in it in the Philippines and are getting ready to open another home here in the states.

I recently had a chance to attend an Unlikely Heroes fundraiser in Los Angeles and was able to hear the founder & CEO, Erica Greve, talk about her passion for seeing girl’s lives changed from tragedy to triumph. Her voice for change and the passion with which she fights for the forgotten in this horrific industry is unparalleled.

That’s why Project: AK-47 has been working alongside her and Unlikely Heroes. What they are doing is significant, incredibly important and world-changing. Take some time to watch the video below and visit the Unlikely Heroes website to see some footage of their home in the Philippines and learn more about their team.


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