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How The Social Media Revolution Can Impact the 1.4 Billion Children at Risk



Social Revolution

There is a new sheriff in town and a fresh force to be reckoned with in the world. It’s more powerful than guns and bombs and the agenda of dictators governing the globe. Its influence reaches to the four corners of the earth and is changing lives and industries more rapidly than anything ever has in the history of mankind. As this force sweeps over the planet, it elevates certain governments, banks, and businesses and makes others irrelevant; it assists in the removal of world rulers and transforms multiple industries faster than most companies can handle. Those who refuse to recognize it and adapt to the innovations that it introduces will be left standing at the pier, holding the bag with nothing in it, as others ride the waves of change to discover new horizons. This culture changing, global governing, world watchdog is the force of social media. Social media is shaping a new society driven by creativity, innovation, and human capital that puts power back in the hands of the people. Social media is truly empowering social revolution all over the planet.

social media empowered revolution

social media empowered revolution

Social media fueled uprisings sweeping the Middle East and Africa have toppled governments in several countries and made us aware that a social shift is taking place. It’s clear that the world as we used to know it will never be again.  This revolutionary movement is fueled by young people who are connected via social media.They are expressing their frustrations with the economy, corruption, cronyism, unemployment, and autocratic rulers who have controlled them and their families for far too long.

With over 2.2 billion email users worldwide sending 120 trillion emails on the internet and more than 900 million Facebook users in 70 countries spending over 53 billion minutes (or 100,000 years) per month on FB, it is clear that social media is shaping society, and our world will never be the same. With more than 350 million websites online, growing by more than 5 million monthly, it’s obvious that this generation has something to say and is passionate about building platforms to share what they feel with the world.  Power is being put back into the hands of the people and only time will tell what we the people will do with it.

Children at Risk 1.4

Children at Risk 1.4

With over 1.4 billion children at risk in the world due to human trafficking (for sex and labor), forced conscription as child soldiers, lack of food, water, and education, neglect and abuse, it is time for responsible people to do more to stop this tragic exploitation and inhumane disregard of children. If people can use social media to overpower dictators, overturn laws, and shape culture, there is no reason why we cannot use its power and influence to wake up the world to the plight of these abandoned and mistreated masses. Just Projects International and Project AK-47 is dedicated to using social media to build a committed community of people passionate about changing the world. We are investing time, people, and money in this venture to rescue victims and restore them to a position of victory over the warlords of crime, corruption, abuse and abandonment. There is no way that this could ever be conceivable with YOU. If people don’t “Like” pages, read articles, follow and read tweets, look at real life pictures on various social media networks, visit websites, and respond to emails that ask for prayer and financial support of projects that bring justice to our planet, nothing will ever happen to empower lives and change our world. It takes a community to change the world.            


SE Asian girl soliers

Your partnership with Just Projects International and Project AK-47 has transformed lives and areas of nations in Burma and Mexico. We have been working in the Southern Philippines as well and are about to begin a major project to rescue and restore child soldiers on the island of Mindanao. To move forward, we need your consistent prayer support for this huge endeavor. We will be using all of the resources of Social Media to enable you to walk with us through every step of this venture to liberate and change lives, and turn the tide of history in Northern Mindanao. During the next few days, we will share all of our social media connections with you so that you can join in the rescue and restoration revolution. Your personal and individual value is beyond calculation, as is the value of every person on the planet, including the 1.4 Billion children at risk and the more than 300,000 child soldiers. The time has come for us to bring freedom to the 1.4 million children at risk. Social Media empowers us to build the community to do it.

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