MJY Strategies
Aug-21-2024 | Teaching Page
Understanding the Impact of Generational Cycles
It is really hard for us to see past our own generation these days, but if we can take a step back and look at the bigger picture that is painting, a fascinating pattern emerges.
Jul-25-2024 | Teaching Page
Today’s Mandate Requires Tomorrow’s Generation
Generations are incredibly important in how God stewards prophetic promises and builds out his kingdom in the world. Let’s look at how God uses covenants as a thread, weaving through multiple generations and how it impacts our world today.
May-30-2024 | Teaching Page
God Builds through Generations
Did you know there is a specific reason why God chose Abraham? It has to do with generational continuity and God’s prophetic words. Through this choice, God imprints something deep from the heavenly realm into our natural world. In this four-part series, we will take a look at why God chooses to use generations to ...
Jun-19-2022 | MJY Strategies
Are good fathers an important core of a healthy society?
INfire has a strong focus on fathers and mothers. Not as parents per se, but people who characteristically have a heart of a father or mother. We work in areas that are often destabilized by armed conflicts. Fundamentally, violence is married to a love of power. How do we counter that? A father would willingly ...
Jan-15-2022 | MJY Strategies
Following Jesus with Our Revenge
Jesus can be harsh while maintaining complete love and keeping the best interests of those he is confronting in mind. We simply can’t. Our love frays, loses shape, and eventually implodes when we plunge into harshness.
Oct-16-2021 | MJY Strategies
A Revival of Loving Your Enemies is Coming… and You Can Join
I dream of a church that paints huge targets of love on her enemies. Could we be a church that has a reputation for aggressively loving, blessing, and praying for terrorists, democrats, republicans, evil bosses, colleagues, betrayers, etc.?
Oct-10-2021 | MJY Strategies
The Truer Your Love, The Truer Your Truth
You can reverse this idea and say, “the truer your truth, the truer your love,” but you must start with the truth found in the agape, functional and pure love of the Trinity. Love is primal and its perfect reflection will never come from a human in self discovery. Truth must still be baptized in love for it to have power to create positive change in a heart or in our world. How are you presenting your views on truth?
Sep-19-2021 | MJY Strategies
Hope for a Better Future
It is a mistake to “wait till Jesus returns” to do anything about our world’s future now. Doing so would poorly reflect God’s true heart today. This is a time when a clearer picture of His heart is needed for the matriculation of our planet’s leadership in the new world order…
Sep-08-2021 | MJY Strategies
When Is It Right To Be Wrong?
Recently I asked what God is trying to teach his Church about the nature of “truth in love” as we are hitting scores of ideological opportunities like politics, racism, sexuality, and religious freedom to conflict and divide. This problem rubs awkwardly against Jesus prayer for a Church that demonstrates him through their unity. (John 17:21)
Aug-23-2021 | MJY Strategies
When Is It Right To Be Right?
What is truth?
We can’t ignore this question because when Pilate chose to minimize this question, he killed Jesus because of it.
Aug-01-2021 | MJY Strategies
Authentic Relationship Looks Like Permission
In many areas of our lives, there resides an unspoken restraint, where we are waiting for an authority, a father, a mother, an expert or a friend to give us permission to fly. We subconsciously feel uncomfortable and decide to not pursue something…
Jul-18-2021 | MJY Strategies
The Cost of Authenticity
Authenticity boils down to being fully known in the deepest, truest part of who you are. This is God’s jealous desire for us because what is most fulfilling for us is to be fully known and loved by Him. And this is the true purpose of spiritual testing.
Jun-27-2021 | News
Relief Delivery Day
Joe and the team’s hearts sank when they saw the sad people. The smell was sometimes awful from dead animals and people, many killed by the widespread landmines.
Jun-20-2021 | Myanmar
Responding to Myanmar’s Crisis
Explosions, hundreds of them, popped off across the country the past weeks… If you’ve been following along as the conflict in Myanmar has unfolded since February, you know that thousands have been displaced from their homes, hiding in the jungles, and struggling to survive.
Jun-06-2021 | MJY Strategies
The Test of Authenticity
Authenticity is venturing into the darkest parts of a culture and discovering God there. Though divine testing may appear disciplinary in nature, its intent is authentic relationship…