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The First Footage of Child Soldiers I Ever Saw

Years ago, I gave my friend Sam a video camera and asked him to find us the darkest place we could serve. The footage he came back with broke me. I wept for 3 days at what I saw, but I also saw a vision of God’s heart for his children. I want to share this footage with you today and give YOU the opportunity to share God’s vision and heart for his children.

Watch this 2 minute video to discover your role in rescuing children at risk:

Right now, much of Myanmar is in darkness – the darkness of a pandemic, religious persecution and civil conflict and duress. But when darkness increases, God always has a plan to send more hope. Could some of that hope be you?

By the grace of God, we have the facilities and the manpower to open a brand new children’s safe home in Myanmar, but we need $15,000 worth of supplies including beds, clothes, medicine, toothbrushes and more to give these kids a home.

Will you give a child the gift of a home this Christmas season?