Jan-23-2022 | Sustainability
New Southern Kamoo Rice Paddy
One of our Children’s Home (currently of 50 children) has been hit hard by the pandemic and the civil conflict in Myanmar. But we have an amazing opportunity to create better food security and sustainability for them by purchasing a 3.4 acre rice paddy!
Jan-23-2022 | Child Protection
New Children’s Home
Two of INfire’s church leaders in Myanmar know firsthand what it means to be at risk for child soldiering. They are actually both former child soldiers and graduates from INfire’s education programs. And they have built some amazing connections that will give the same opportunity to dozens of more children just like them.
Jan-22-2022 | News
COVID-19 Relief & Food Report
Two of INfire’s church leaders in Myanmar know firsthand what it means to be at risk for child soldiering. They are actually both former child soldiers and graduates from INfire’s education programs. And they have built some amazing connections that will give the same opportunity to dozens of more children just like them.
Dec-13-2021 | Project-AK47
The First Footage of Child Soldiers I Ever Saw
Years ago, I gave my friend Sam a video camera and asked him to find us the darkest place we could serve. The footage he came back with broke me.
Jun-27-2021 | News
Relief Delivery Day
Joe and the team’s hearts sank when they saw the sad people. The smell was sometimes awful from dead animals and people, many killed by the widespread landmines.
Jun-20-2021 | Myanmar
Responding to Myanmar’s Crisis
Explosions, hundreds of them, popped off across the country the past weeks… If you’ve been following along as the conflict in Myanmar has unfolded since February, you know that thousands have been displaced from their homes, hiding in the jungles, and struggling to survive.
Apr-11-2021 | Myanmar
Four Generations of Hope for Myanmar
When we are forced as people into choosing war over nonviolence, it is a terrible line we cross. Myanmar (Burma) is crossing such a line in its civil conflict with the army. Buddhists (most of the Burmese) and Christians (many of the indigenous ethnics) who lived against violence now are making hard choices. I do not envy them.
Apr-04-2021 | Myanmar
Understanding Myanmar’s Crisis
China is in everyone’s global spotlight, even though Myanmar is the one bleeding. How far will China extend its interests? Will it take a clear and active role?
Mar-28-2021 | Stories
Mario’s Story: The Hard Road to Freedom
All my life all I wanted was a real family. For me, family disappears like water drops on hot desert sands. I was 17 years old when I met a sweet girl and we made a daughter, but we split up even before she was born. I lived on drugs and alcohol, so she didn’t want to stay with me. It hit me really hard. I moved deeper into the gang world of the cartel, I frequented abandoned lands, full of trash, I slept in debris within in the shells of dilapidated homes.
Mar-21-2021 | Stories
Mario’s Story: Escaping Drugs & Violence
Not everyone can climb beyond their guilt. You will see in Part 2 of Mario’s story, that ruining so many people’s lives fosters deep shame, sadness and guilt. For those that struggle with subsequent self loathing, human forgiveness is not enough, self forgiveness is also not enough. We all need a God-sized forgiveness that celebrates us down to the marrow. This universal need is more accentuated when we spend time with folks like Mario.
Oct-25-2018 | Project-AK47
Visiting Myanmar
Out of the four children we interviewed, each was the first and only child in their family to study beyond grade 3.
Sep-11-2018 | Project-AK47
Bomb Attacks Claim 4 More Lives in Mindanao
Two explosions from improvised explosive devices (IEDs) have rocked Sultan Kudarat Province, Mindanao, Philippines recently, claiming 4 lives and injuring 49.
Aug-03-2018 | Project-AK47
Seeking Peace: An Update from Mindanao
Out here, military and police checkpoints seem as common as fruit-stands. Outside every school is a green sign with bold white letters stating simply: “This school is a ZONE OF PEACE. Let us protect it from conflict.” Security is tight and it needs to be.
Jun-25-2018 | Sports Missions
Adolfo’s Story: ‘I wasn’t alone any more’
Growing up in a small town in Central Mexico, Adolfo was no stranger to the two biggest problems plaguing his hometown: poverty and drugs.
Jun-18-2018 | Sports Missions
Saved by Soccer: Our Impact
In 1988, our Program Director, Stephen, was working as a recording engineer in Nayarit when he heard about a job opening in a tiny town just southwest of Monterrey. "There was a community center that had been worn down to nothing, and somebody needed to come build it back up and hand it back to the community," Stephen said.